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The Velawesomeraptor Production Blog

This is how we operate…


Archive for September 7th, 2009

So today became our first unofficial production meeting for Puppets in Space (working title).

To be quite frank, it was exciting.  One of the first things I did when I thought about how to get this project off the ground was to bring Linda on board, because 1) she doesn’t take my shit and 2) she’s got one of those minds that asks all the right questions to get me just vomiting information and ideas from my brain.

In today’s meeting, we discussed the universe we’re working in, the structure of the episodes, the rudimentary technology, and some rough ideas for story lines.  What we really DIDN’T get to were characters.  But we’ve got time yet.  Alot of time, because we still have to figure out how the hell Blender works. 🙂

But for now, we’ve got the building blocks for a universe… and that’s awesome.

So this will be the place where we start to chronicle the creation of whatever insane projects come to mind (and manage to escape the mind into the wild).

Most of it won’t make sense, or may seem trivial, but it’s a place to compile notes and information and to have a record of how it all goes down.