One of the reasons I love working with Linda so much is that she’s full of questions. SHE thinks that she can be too anal with them, but honestly, they really help to flesh things out… for instance: We never would have come up with the wicked awesome propulsion system for the ship had it not been for her questions…
So anyway, as part of our building of this universe, she gives me homework questions to answer about anything and everything. One of the questions in the first set inspired this answer, and may have sparked a title for the show:
In the late 20th century, after much campaigning and hard won political battles, puppets around the globe were given the right to form Independent Puppet Nations, much like the Native American Nations in North America. But instead of casinos, they dove into education and technology. In the mid 21nd century, they formed the United Puppet Nations as an advisory counsel made up of representatives from all of the IPNs. It was the UPN that was able to coordinate the Puppet Tech markets from all of the various IPNs to get them working together and focused on a new, singular goal: a puppet home world. And so the UPN is the controlling body of of the small fleet of IPVs that make up the para-military force known as Galaxy Scouts.